A Time to Dance!!

Do you have your dancing shoes on? Maybe you are in the process of dusting them off and getting used to them again...maybe they are brand new shoes you need to break in...maybe the music has changed and you are being required to learn a new dance! Wherever you are in this dance of life be encouraged that you have a partner that will never let you fall and will never let you down! WOW! That was the essence of the encouraging message that Cynda gave at our recent For the Girl's NIGHT OUT.

For the Girls International had an incredible night of fun and inspiration and we were thrilled with the amount of women of all ages that were in attendance. Over 100 women came out the the clubhouse in Gulf Landings for a beautiful night of laughter and relaxation. We all need a night like that every once in a while.

So many women have told us that the message given that night was so timely for them. I love when God gives a word to us at just the right time! It's so refreshing!! THE MESSAGE version of Proverbs 25:11 puts it this way...

Proverbs 25:11

The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry!

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Our NIGHT OUT is just a taste of what happens at our annual conference so we want to encourage women from all over the Tampa area and beyond to join us this February 12 and 13th for AWAKEN 2010. We are offering an "Early- Girl" price of $55.00 per adult for registrations that come in before the end of this month! (Student rate middle school - college $25.00) So ladies, reserve your spot for this incredible weekend by calling Tracy Weber at 727-243-7198 and mailing your check in to:

For the Girls International

10312 Palladio Drive,

Trinity Florida 34655

Our website is getting a makeover so be sure to check on it in the upcoming weeks at http://www.ftgi.org/

Next Girls Night Out is in October...See you then!


Tracey and Cynda