There is only one person who knows the REAL you.
And that is the One that created you.
We as women have many identities in this lifetime....we are daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, friends, mentors and the list goes on...but at the end of the day who are you really?
You are a daughter of the King that is loved and treasured beyond measure. No one loves you like God loves you. He made you! Nobody "gets" you like God does. He knew you before you were born. So why is it that we look to so many other people and things to define who we are?
And that is the One that created you.
We as women have many identities in this lifetime....we are daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, friends, mentors and the list goes on...but at the end of the day who are you really?
You are a daughter of the King that is loved and treasured beyond measure. No one loves you like God loves you. He made you! Nobody "gets" you like God does. He knew you before you were born. So why is it that we look to so many other people and things to define who we are?
We get caught up in thinking that if we just had the right husband, house, job, children we would feel better about ourselves and be happy, but the truth is that until we can find our identity in our Creator we will never have that inner joy that we all want so very much.
I am married to one of the most patient, supportive guys around. Really. (It's borderline sickening because he makes me look bad!) I'm not kidding. My sisters even take his side when we're at odds. The thing I love about him is that he would go out of his way to do anything he could to make me happy and most of the time he does. But life has come at me hard at times, as it does to all of us, and there came a point several years ago that I realized that he could not make me happy no matter what he did or was willing to do. I realized that if I looked to him to be my source of joy that he would eventually fail because he is only human like me.
That is when God required me to Get Real. I needed to recognize that my identity is in Christ alone. I needed to know that it didn't matter what the rest of the world thought of me, or did, or didn’t do for me. I had to let it really soak in that I was made in the image of the living God and He alone is my source of joy.
There is freedom in Getting Real and discovering who we are in God. When we stop comparing ourselves to others and get busy discovering what we were created for (because He has a specific purpose for each and every one of us) we find true fulfillment.
When we find out who we are in Christ everyone benefits! We stop putting unnecessary pressure on others to affirm us and as a result our relationships flourish. We start putting on the mind of the One in whose image we were created, and we become more compassionate and kind, more humble and patient, and we live with so much more power to overcome all that life throws at us! (Read Colossians 3:5 – 14 the whole thing is great!)
Verse 10 says: “Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him”
These are the things we will be talking about in depth at our conference in January. This is just a teaser!
Get ready girls, to Get Real!!!
Lots of Love,
Tracey and Cynda